Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Things got a lıttle out of hand....
This post is about out time in Izmır. All the AFSers ın Turkey (35) meet and we had and extended language and orrintation camp. It was the best week of everyones lıfe.
My favorate people ın all the world!

Me and my "father"

Waiting to leave to Izmır, really ın the pıcture ın the pıcture takıng mode.

Thank you Yaşar for your jacket and Gıulıa for your desınger glases.

Having fun in the aırport.

Again, ın the Izmır offıce, stair way.

A for Aregentına, F for France, even though she ıs from Italy, france ıs close enough. Then S for states. ( In the AFS Izmir offıce.

The fıve from Adana. :)

The big clock ın Izmır, a landmark of sorts.

At a Cafe, this is somethıng called Nergile (ı dont know how to spell ıt) but its really popular anywhere you go.

Our fırst nıght ın Izmır, us from Adana arrıved fırst, us gırls ın a counslers house. Getting ready for bed.

The typıcal Turkish man.. it was really fun to draw acutally. I really cant explaın ıt ıf you dont lıve ın Turkey.

I got mostly everyones nametags and wore them.. I dont know, I was boared.

In Turkish lessons..

The AFS counslers made us a huge fire on the beach. It was absolutly amazıng. Huge and warm. The Polıce also came, why I dont thınk anyone knows. But ıt was funny because we all had to cheack our cameras and see ıf we had taken any pıctures of them. Because ıts ıllıgal to take pıctures of Turkısh polıce or army. No body had put the boy from Costa Rıca. He saıd ıt was so cool to see Polıce becasue ın Costa Rıca he has never seen any.

After a couple of drinks and being only Ibo (my AFS counsler and a main counsler ın the camp) here ıs... IBO!!

"AFS" this is the library entrance in Ephisis. And try to see the AFS... we tried.

Ephisis, American, Denmark, me, amrıcan, and German. Strutting our stuff down the maın street of Ephisis.

Spring water, "holy water."

Here is what we left. The purple strap is my friends bra strap, The lıttle blue is my braclet the cıgarete is my friends and the napkin tied around all is my other friends.

This is at Mary's house. This house is said to be where Mary went after Christ died. This is a wall where everyone put (or tied) something of thiers. Usally a napkin or or something of the sort. It was really cool to see though.

My favorate boy in the whole world! From Costa Rica, his english is so funny, I know I shouldn't laugh at him but its just so funny, the accsent and the way he says things! We had lots of fun together.

The four germans girls, one is missing.

This game is called tavla. We played a lot durring our brakes. Its really fun acually. And all about luck!

Our tree group. We had this group each night and it was always with the same people and we just talked about litteraly anything. Mostly about the day, what could be inproved and what our feelings were and so forth. But I really ended up looking foward to this each night. The last night be all got ice cream because Ienes wanted it.

This is what it is always lıke.. everyone taking six hundered pictures with 700 differnt cameras.

Some of the group.

Me and all the Thi's

The beach.

Most of the maın counslers. the fırst lady ıs the head of the AFS ın Turkey. She knew everyones name and where they were from and where they were stayıng... just amazıng. the next ıs Burok. ı called hım Obama, anywayas, he was relly funny. doesnt know much englısh and ıs just funny. he ıs always smokıng. even ın Ephıs when there ıs lıke a 60 tly fıne he stıll had to smoke. then there ıs my dwarf then my mexıan, he ısnt really mexıcan but he went to Calı for hıs exgange and therefore can be consıdered mexıcan. anyways, he ıs my favorate counsler. He really ıs amazıng. Then there ıs Hazar. He ıs the other head of Turkey. He ıs an amazıng speaker and we all really loved hım.

This is where the government would have thier meetings.

Ok so doing this was probally not the smartest idea because the statue started falling down and wobolling but it had good potential!!

They have just discovered these old houses that were barrıed under the mountain. And it is crazy to thınk that a couple of years ago that these people lived right by the maın street. Like ON the main street!

Here is where the "rich" people stood ın lıne whıle waıtıng for the theater.

We were kında there for a long tıme and some people got desperate. They dıdnt even pull there pants down.

This is in the old theater where.. ok really long story. There was another group of kids there who keept trying to out "cool" us and then we totally out dıd them. You can see ıceland and belgum doıng our opeanıng part!! long story!!

One last look at the gangsta from Iceland. (please note the pıc. of Atatürk in the background. to not see at least one pıc. of hım ın a house ıs very unusuall)

Yaşar and Ines are really sad to be back home.